Wang, Frank
10  Ergebnisse:

An empirical analysis of the CDX index and its tranches:

, In: Applied economics letters
Wang, Yi-Chen ; Fabozzi, Frank J. ; Yeh, Shih-kuo. (2009)  13/15 - p. 1425-1431
Exemplare: Zentrale;

Semipolar GaInN/GaN light-emitting diodes grown on honeycom..:

, In: Physica status solidi
Wunderer, T. ; Wang, J. ; Lipski, F..... (2010)  7/8 - p. 2140-2143
Exemplar:  Zentrale:Magazinturm-E02 15z phy 865 ja/22

Asset pricing implications of short-sale constraints in imp..:

, In: Management science
Liu, Hong ; Wang, Yajun. (2019)  9 - p. 4422-4439
Exemplare: Zentrale;

Investors' heterogeneity and tranching:

, In: Applied economics
Wang, Frank Yong ; Wei, Xu ; Li, Li. (2016)  37/39 - p. 3679-3684
Exemplare: Zentrale;

Capacity constraint, merger paradox and welfare-improving p..:

, In: Hitotsubashi journal of economics / Hitotsubashi University
Dong, Baomin ; Guo, Guixia ; Qian, Xiaolin.. (2016)  1 - p. 1-26
Exemplare:  Zentrale:E02 z vwl 001 jv/431; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 5431

Portfolio choice with market closure and implications for l..:

, In: Management science
Dai, Min ; Li, Peifan ; Liu, Hong.. (2016)  2 - p. 368-386
Exemplare: Zentrale;

Do smokers value their health and longevity less?:

, In: The journal of law & economics / the University of Chicago Law School
Khwaja, Ahmed. (2009)  1 - p. 171-196
Exemplare:  Juridicum: z jur 994/341; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fb 7941

Reduced surface electron accumulation at InN films by ozone..:

, In: Applied physics letters / publ. by the American Institute of Physics
Polyakov, Vladimir M. ; Lu, Hai ; Schaff, William J..... (2007)  15 - p. 152106
Exemplare: Zentrale;

Upstream intergenerational transfers:

, In: Southern economic journal / publ. by the Southern Economic Association, College of Business Administration, of Tennessee University. With financial support from Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Business, Department of Economics
Sloan, Frank A.. (2002)  2 - p. 363-380
Exemplare:  Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 6857; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 6857