Atkinson, Thomas M.
11  Ergebnisse:

Money income distribution 

, In: Southern economic journal / publ. by the Southern Economic Association, College of Business Administration, of Tennessee University. With financial support from Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Business, Department of Economics
South vs. non-South 
Atkinson, Thomas R.. (1956)  1 - p. 15-27
Exemplare:  Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 6857; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 6857

A dynamic model for posttraumatic stress disorder among US ..:

, In: Management science
Atkinson, Michael P. ; Guetz, Adam. (2009)  9 - p. 1454-1468
Exemplare: Zentrale;

Prompting microfinance borrowers to save 

, In: Economic development and cultural change
a field experiment from Guatemala 
Atkinson, Jesse ; De Janvry, Alain ; McIntosh, Craig.. (2013)  1 - p. 21-64
Exemplare:  Zentrale:E02 z vwl 442 jc/427; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fb 9427

Rhetoric and reality 

, In: Current anthropology / sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
discourses from the divan 
Kohl, Philip E.. (1998)  1 - p. 171-174
Exemplare: Zentrale;

On the measurement of tax progressivity 

, In: Southern economic journal / publ. by the Southern Economic Association, College of Business Administration, of Tennessee University. With financial support from Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Business, Department of Economics
an implication of the Atkinson theorem 
Sykes, David ; Smith, W. James ; Formby, John P.. (1987)  3 - p. 768-776
Exemplare:  Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 6857; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 6857

The top 1 percent in international and historical perspecti..:

, In: The journal of economic perspectives
Exemplare:  Zentrale:E02 z vwl 001 jc/328; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fe 6328


, In: Basler Jahrbuch für historische Musikpraxis
cradle of (western) musical creativity 
Atkinson, Charles M.. (2011/2012)  - p. 27-56
Exemplare:  Zentrale:E03 z mus 036 ja/355; TB Musik: Z mus 037jb/379

Multiple-output child health production functions 

, In: Southern economic journal / publ. by the Southern Economic Association, College of Business Administration, of Tennessee University. With financial support from Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Business, Department of Economics
the impact of time-varying and time-invariant inputs 
Agee, Mark D.. (2008)  2 - p. 410-428
Exemplare:  Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 6857; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 6857

Zur Entstehung und Überlieferung der "Missa graeca":

, In: Archiv für Musikwissenschaft
Atkinson, Charles M.. (1982)  2 - p. 113-145
Exemplare:  Zentrale:E03 z mus 001 ja/95; Zentrale:ZS-Lesesaal mus 005