Saraceno, Chiara
9  Ergebnisse:

Intergenerational contact and support: the long-term effect..:

, In: Families, ageing and social policy / ed. by Chiara Saraceno
Albertini, Marco ; Saraceno, Chiara. (2008)  - p. 194-216
Exemplare: Zentrale; SOCIUM;

De-familialization or re-familialization?Trends in income-t..:

, In: Solidarity between the sexes and the generations / edited by Trudie Knijn ...
Saraceno, Chiara. (2004)  - p. 68-86
Exemplar:  SOCIUM: 05.03.8 0778tv062004

The impact of the Great Recession on child poverty 

, In: Children of austerity / edited by Bea Cantillon, Yekaterina Chzhen, Sudhanshu Handa, and Brian Nolan ; published by The United Nations Children' Fund and Oxford University Press
the case of Italy 
Natali, Luisa ; Saraceno, Chiara. (2017)  - p. 170-190
Exemplar:  Zentrale:E02 a vwl 457/796

Concepts and practices of social citizenship in Europe 

, In: United in diversity? / edited by Jens Alber and Neil Gilbert
the case of poverty and income support for the poor 
Saraceno, Chiara. (2010)  - p. 151 - 175
Exemplare:  SOCIUM: 02.02.1 0036bb012016; Zentrale:E02 a sow 556.7 em/725

The impact of aging on intergenerational family relationshi..:

, In: Altern: Familie, Zivilgesellschaft, Politik / hrsg. von Jürgen Kocka ...
Saraceno, Chiara. (2009)  - p. 115-132
Exemplare:  TB Nautik 24/1 Alt 8 (2009-8); Zentrale:E02 a soz 781.1 2an/391-8

Patterns of family living in the enlarged EU:

, In: Handbook of quality of life in the enlarged European Union / ed. by Jens Alber; Tony Fahey and Chiara Saraceno
Saraceno, Chiara. (2008)  - p. 47-72
Exemplare: Zentrale; SOCIUM;

Patterns of sociability in the enlarged EU:

, In: Handbook of quality of life in the enlarged European Union / ed. by Jens Alber; Tony Fahey and Chiara Saraceno
Olagnero, Manuela ; Torrioni, Paola. (2008)  - p. 279-303
Exemplare: Zentrale; SOCIUM;

Kinderzahl und Armut in italienischen Familien:

, In: Kinderarmut / Margherita Zander (Hrsg.)
Saraceno, Chiara. (2005)  - p. 70-86
Exemplare: Zentrale; TB Sozialw.;

Keine Arbeit, keine Kinder, keine Lösung?: Italien und Deu..:

, In: Modell Deutschland - Modell Europa / Bruno Cattero (Hrsg.)
Ostner, Ilona. (1998)  - p. 183-205
Exemplar:  SOCIUM: 09.05.1 0232gp032000