Misiura, Mikita
12  Ergebnisse:

DLPacker: Deep learning for prediction of amino acid side c..:

Misiura, Mikita ; Shroff, Raghav ; Thyer, Ross.
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics.  90 (2022)  6 - p. 1278-1290 , 2022

Theoretical Investigations of the Role of Mutations in Dyna..:

Misiura, Mikita ; Wang, Qian ; Cheung, Margaret S..
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.  122 (2018)  17 - p. 4653-4661 , 2018

Correction to "Theoretical Investigations of the Role of Mu..:

Misiura, Mikita ; Wang, Qian ; Cheung, Margaret S..
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.  122 (2018)  29 - p. 7462-7462 , 2018

Theoretical Investigation of the Mechanisms of ERK2 Enzymat..:

Misiura, Mikita M. ; Kolomeisky, Anatoly B.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.  120 (2016)  40 - p. 10508-10514 , 2016

Light-activated molecular machines are fast-acting broad-sp..:

Santos, Ana L ; Liu, Dongdong ; Reed, Anna K...
Santos, Ana L., Liu, Dongdong, Reed, Anna K., et al. "Light-activated molecular machines are fast-acting broad-spectrum antibacterials that target the membrane." Science Advances, 8, no. 22 (2022) AAAS: https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abm2055..  , 2022