von Graevenitz, Kathrine
46  Ergebnisse:

What Drives Carbon Emissions in German Manufacturing: Scale..:

Rottner, Elisa ; von Graevenitz, Kathrine
Environmental and Resource Economics.  87 (2024)  9 - p. 2521-2542 , 2024

Die Doppelwirkung von Information für klimafreundliches Han..:

Frick, Marc ; Foese, Dario ; Von Graevenitz, Kathrine..
Ökologisches Wirtschaften - Fachzeitschrift.  38 (2023)  1 - p. 44-50 , 2023

Energy Use Patterns in German Manufacturing from 2003 to 20..:

von Graevenitz, Kathrine ; Rottner, Elisa
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik.  243 (2023)  3-4 - p. 319-354 , 2023

Road Transport and Its Potential Inclusion in the EU ETS:

, In: The European Dimension of Germany's Energy Transition,

The amenity cost of road noise:

von Graevenitz, Kathrine
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.  90 (2018)  - p. 1-22 , 2018

Eliciting preferences for urban parks:

Panduro, Toke Emil ; Jensen, Cathrine Ulla ; Lundhede, Thomas Hedemark..
Regional Science and Urban Economics.  73 (2018)  - p. 127-142 , 2018