Bigl, V.
54  Ergebnisse:
Personensuche X

EPM 87. Energy Pulse and Particle Beam Modification of Mate.. 

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Biological Aspects of Learning, Memory Formation and Ontoge.. 

Proceedings of the Fifth International Neurobiological Symp...  Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR/ N. Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik ; 1978, 5
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Letale Pneumokokken-Infektionen bei Geschwistern mit IRAK-4..:

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Protein kinase Cα and β1 isoforms are regulators of α‐secre..:

Roßner, S. ; Mendla, K. ; Schliebs, R..
European Journal of Neuroscience.  13 (2001)  8 - p. 1644-1648 , 2001

Increased neuronal and glial expression of protein kinase C..:

Rossner, S. ; Mehlhorn, G. ; Schliebs, R..
European Journal of Neuroscience.  13 (2001)  2 - p. 269-278 , 2001

Increased neuronal and glial expression of protein kinase C..:

Roßner, S. ; Mehlhorn, G. ; Schliebs, R..
European Journal of Neuroscience.  13 (2001)  2 - p. 269-278 , 2001

Altered phosphofructokinase mRNA levels but unchanged isoen..:

Bigl, M ; Beck, M ; Bleyl, A.D..
Molecular Brain Research.  76 (2000)  2 - p. 411-414 , 2000

Modulation of APP processing and secretion by okadaic acid ..:

Holzer, M. ; Brückner, M. K. ; Beck, M...
Journal of Neural Transmission.  107 (2000)  4 - p. 451-461 , 2000

Abnormally phosphorylated protein tau in the cortex of aged..:

Härtig, W. ; Klein, C. ; Brauer, K....
Acta Neuropathologica.  100 (2000)  3 - p. 305-312 , 2000

Can neurografts from mice with chromosome 16 trisomy serve ..:

Lushchekina, E. A. ; Schtal', T. ; Shlibs, R....
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine.  128 (1999)  5 - p. 1145-1149 , 1999

Three-dimensional micro-structures for the embedding of liv..:

Otte, K. ; Zimmer, K. ; Zeitschel, U....
Microelectronic Engineering.  46 (1999)  1-4 - p. 409-412 , 1999