Fink, Lukas
161  results:

Growth and martensitic transformation of ferromagnetic Co-C..:

Yuru Ge ; Klara Lünser ; Fabian Ganss...  , 2023

Participation of Users in Research: Human-Centered Design i..:

Wohofsky, Lukas ; Lattacher, Sandra Lisa ; Krainer, Daniela..
Lukas Wohofsky, Sandra Lisa Lattacher, Daniela Krainer, Philip Scharf, Sascha Fink, "Participation of Users in Research: Human-Centered Design in the Project SENSHome" in: "Architecture and Autism. Sensory Perception and Indipendent Living. Prooceedings of the International Workshop", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2022, pp. 63-69.  , 2022