Aldea MD, Gabriel S
58  results:

Commentary: AVneo—Impressive early results; however, long-t..:

Scott C. DeRoo, MD ; Gabriel S. Aldea, MD  , 2021

Amphioxus functional genomics and the origins of vertebrate..:

Marletaz, Ferdinand ; Firbas, Panos ; Maeso, Ignacio...
Marletaz , F , Firbas , P , Maeso , I , Tena , J , Bogdanovic , O , Perry , M , Wyatt , C , de la Calle-Mustienes , E , Bertrand , S , Burguera , D , Acemel , R , van Heeringen , S , Naranjo , S , Herrera-Ubeda , C , Skvortsova , K , Jimenez-Gancedo , S , Aldea , D , Marquez , Y , Buono , L , Kozmikova , I , Permanyer , J , Louis , A , Albuixech-Crespo , B , Le Petillon , Y , Leon Florian , A , Subirana , L , Balwierz , P J , Duckett , P , Farahani , E , Aury , J M , Mangenot , S , Wincker , P , Albalat , R , Benito-Gutierrez , E , Canestro , C , Castro , F , D'Aniello , S , Ferrier , D E K , Huang , S , Laudet , V , Marais , G , Pontarotti , P , Schubert , M , Seitz , H , Somorjai , I M L , Takahashi , T , Mirabeau , O , Xu , A , Yu , J-K , Carninci , P , Martinez-Morales , J , Crollius , H , Kozmik , Z , Weirauch , M , Garcia-Fernandez , J , Lister , R , Lenhard , B , Holland , P , Escriva , H , Gomez-Skarmeta , J L & Irimia , M 2018 , ' Amphioxus functional genomics....  , 2018

Does valve size impact hemodynamic, left ventricular mass r..:

Aldea, Gabriel S. ; Burke, Christopher R. ; Fischlein, Theodor...
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.  168 (2024)  2 - p. 502-509.e9 , 2024

Hemodynamic Tolerance of TEER Device Extraction Followed by..:

Condos, Gregory J. ; Elison, David ; Jelacic, Srdjan...
JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions.  17 (2024)  13 - p. 1622-1624 , 2024

Expert systematic review on the choice of conduits for coro..:

Gaudino, Mario ; Bakaeen, Faisal G ; Sandner, Sigrid...
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery.  64 (2023)  2 - p. , 2023

Commentary: For Once, the Right Deserves a Little More Atte..:

Keenan, Jeffrey E. ; Aldea, Gabriel S.
Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.  34 (2022)  3 - p. 904-905 , 2022

Commentary: Valve Surgery for Bacterial Endocarditis in Pat..:

Aldea, Gabriel S.
Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.  33 (2021)  3 - p. 711-712 , 2021