Brown, Scott W.
37419  results:

Guns and Butter 

The Political Economy of International Security  International Political Economy Yearbook ; 14

The EU's 'strategic partnership' with China in a post-Brexi..:

Brown, Scott A.W.
Europe and the World: A law review.  4 (2020)  1 - p. , 2020

The GlobalEd 2 Project: Interdisciplinary Simulations Promo..:

, In: Smart Computing and Intelligence; Learning in a Digital World,
Brown, Scott W. ; Lawless, Kimberly A. - p. 291-317 , 2019

Aplicar el concepto del agrupamiento (chunking) en el tenis:

Roetert, E. Paul ; Woods, Ronald B ; Knudson, Duane.
ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review.  27 (2019)  77 - p. 10-15 , 2019

Europe, China, and the Limits of Normative Power: by Zsuzsa..:

Brown, Scott A. W.
European Politics and Society.  21 (2019)  1 - p. 141-142 , 2019

Executive attentional resources in timing: Effects of inhib..:

Brown, Scott W. ; Johnson, Tammy M. ; Sohl, Mary E..
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.  41 (2015)  4 - p. 1063-1083 , 2015