Drogheda, Charles Moore
19  results:

An armie for Ireland, conducted by the Lord Lithe [Lisle], .. 

Being a vote of both houses in Parliament for the sending o...  Early English Books Online / EEBO

A certificate from the Lord Moor and Sir Henry Titchborne, .. 

It is ordered this seventh day of April, 1642. by the Commi...  Early English Books Online / EEBO

A certificate from the Lord Moor and Sir Henry Titchborne s.. 

whereunto is added divers overthrowes given at sundry times...  Early English Books Online / EEBO

An armie for Ireland conducted by the Lord Lithe [Lisle], s.. 

being a vote of both houses in Parliament for the sending o...  Early English Books Online / EEBO

The true and last newes from Ireland 

As it was delivered by a gentleman of great credit, who was...  Early English Books Online / EEBO
, 1642

The True and last newes from Ireland 

as it was delivered by a gentleman of great credit, who was...  Early English Books Online / EEBO
, 1642

By the Lords Justices and Council, a proclamation 

Montrath. Drogheda. Whereas by our proclamation bearing dat...  Early English Books Online / EEBO

By the Lords Justices and Council, a proclamation 

Montrath. Drogheda. Whereas we have received information th...  Early English Books Online / EEBO

By the Lords Justices General and General Governours of Ire.. 

Charles Porter. Montrath. Drogheda. Whereas there is freque...  Early English Books Online / EEBO