Ewald, Naomi
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Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and know..:

Hill, Matthew J ; Greaves, Helen M ; Sayer, Carl D...
Hill MJ, Greaves HM, Sayer CD, et al., (2021) Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and knowledge gaps, Ecosphere, Volume 12, Issue 12, December 2021, Article number e03853.  , 2021

Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and know..:

Hill, Matthew J ; Greaves, Helen M ; Sayer, Carl...
https://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/id/eprint/46856/9/Ecosphere%20-%202021%20-%20Hill%20-%20Pond%20ecology%20and%20conservation%20%20research%20priorities%20and%20knowledge%20gaps.pdf.  , 2021

Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and know..:

Hill, Matthew J ; Greaves, Helen M ; Sayer, Carl D...
Hill , M J , Greaves , H M , Sayer , C D , Hassall , C , Milin , M , Milner , V S , Marazzi , L , Hall , R , Harper , L R , Thornhill , I , Walton , R , Biggs , J , Ewald , N , Law , A , Willby , N , White , J C , Briers , R A , Mathers , K L , Jeffries , M J & Wood , P J 2021 , ' Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and knowledge gaps ' , Ecosphere , vol. 12 , no. 12 , e03853 . https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3853.  , 2021

Pond ecology and conservation:research priorities and knowl..:

Hill, Matthew ; Greaves, Helen ; Sayer, Carl D...
Hill , M , Greaves , H , Sayer , C D , Hassall , C , Milin , M , Milner , T , Marazzi , L , Hall , R , Harper , L R , Thornhill , I , Walton , R , Biggs , J , Ewald , N , Law , A , Wilby , N , White , J C , Briers , R A , Mathers , K L , Jeffries , M J & Wood , P J 2021 , ' Pond ecology and conservation : research priorities and knowledge gaps ' , Ecosphere , vol. 12 , no. 12 , e03853 . https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3853.  , 2021

Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and know..:

Hill, Matthew J ; Greaves, Helen M ; Sayer, Carl D...
Hill MJ, Greaves HM, Sayer CD, Hassall C, Milin M, Milner VS, Marazzi L, Hall R, Harper LR, Thornhill I, Walton R, Biggs J, Ewald N, Law A & Willby N (2021) Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and knowledge gaps. Ecosphere, 12 (12), Art. No.: e03853. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3853.  , 2021