Johnson, Daniel J.
11  Ergebnisse:
Personensuche X

Relative status and well-being 

, In: The review of economics and statistics / publ. for Harvard University
evidence from US suicide deaths 
Daly, Mary C. ; Johnson, Norman J.. (2013)  5 - p. 1480-1500
Exemplare: Zentrale;

Motivated to acquire? 

, In: Academy of Management journal
the impact of CEO regulatory focus on firm acquisitions 
Exemplare: Zentrale;

What are likes worth? 

, In: Journal of marketing research / American Marketing Association
a Facebook page field experiment 
Mochon, Daniel ; Johnson, Karen H. ; Schwartz, Janet.. (2017)  2 - p. 306-317
Exemplare:  Zentrale:E02 z bwl 419 jc/085; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fb 4085

The effect of sporting success and management failure on at.. 

, In: Applied economics
a revealed and stated preference travel cost approach 
Wicker, Pamela ; Whitehead, John C. ; Johnson, Bruce Kenneth.. (2017)  52 - p. 5287-5295
Exemplare: Zentrale;

Nudge your customers toward better choices:

, In: Harvard business review
Exemplare:  Zentrale:Magazin Zs fb 9476; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 7933

How different team downsizing approaches influence team-lev..:

, In: Academy of Management journal
Jundt, Dustin K. ; DeRue, D. Scott ; Hollenbeck, John R.... (2008)  1 - p. 182-196
Exemplare: Zentrale;

How the west has won 

, In: Economic geography / publ. by Clark University
regional and industrial inversion in U.S. patent activity 
Johnson, Daniel K. N. ; Brown, Amy. (2004)  3 - p. 241-260
Exemplar:  Zentrale:E02 z ggr 121 jc/80

Forced out of the closet 

, In: The Rand journal of economics / The Rand Corporation
the impact of the American Inventors Protection Act on the ... 
Johnson, Daniel K. N.. (2003)  1 - p. 96-112
Exemplar:  Zentrale:Magazin Zs fe 4969

Effects of unemployment insurance work-search requirements 

, In: ILR review
the Maryland experiment 
Klepinger, Daniel H.. (2002/03)  1 - p. 3-22
Exemplare: Zentrale;

Regulatory discretion and the unofficial economy:

, In: The American economic review / publ. by the American Economic Association
Johnson, Simon ; Kaufmann, Daniel. (1998)  2 - p. 387-392
Exemplare:  Zentrale:E02 z vwl 001 jc/649; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 1649

Experimental evidence on unemployment insurance work-search..:

, In: Journal of human resources / publ. under the ausp. of the International Relations Research Institute and the Institute for Research on Poverty
Johnson, Terry Russel ; Klepinger, Daniel H.. (1994)  3 - p. 695-717
Exemplare:  Zentrale:E02 z sow 006/856; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 4856