Porter, I. H.
84  Ergebnisse:
Personensuche X

Measurements of direct CP asymmetries in B →xsγ decays usin..:

, In: Physical review / publ. by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics
Exemplar:  Zentrale:Magazinturm-E02 15z phy 715 jc/713

L' infedeltà delusa 

burletta per musica in due atti di Marco Coltellini 
Haydn, Joseph ; Kühnelt, Hans Friedrich ; Coltellini, Marco.. - Riduzione per canto e pianoforte, prima ed. . , c 1961
Exemplar:  Zentrale:Magazinturm-E02 a not 865 haydj/05

Cornelius Gurlitt, Carl Neumann, A. Kingsley Porter, Julius..:

, In: Die Kunstwissenschaft der Gegenwart in Selbstdarstellungen / hrsg. von Johannes Jahn
Bd. 1
Exemplar:  Zentrale:Magazin ay 9907-1

Industrial peace in the cotton trade 1875-1913:

, In: Yorkshire bulletin of economic and social research / issued jointly by the departments of economics of the universities Hull, Leeds, Sheffield, York and Bradford
Porter, J. H.. (1967)  1 - p. 49-61
Exemplar:  Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 5313

National party platforms, 1840 - 1972:

Johnson, Donald Bruce ; Porter, Kirk H. - 5th ed., 2nd pr . , 1975
Exemplar:  Zentrale:E02 a pol 420 e/711(5)

Perinatal genetics 

diagnosis and treatment  Birth defects institute symposia series
Exemplar:  Zentrale:Magazin 01.j.0448

Oligopoly and the incentive for horizontal merger:

, In: The American economic review / publ. by the American Economic Association
Perry, Martin K. ; Porter, Robert H.. (1985)  1 - p. 219-234
Exemplare:  Zentrale:E02 z vwl 001 jc/649; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 1649

Switching regression models with imperfect sample separatio.. 

, In: Econometrica
with an application on cartel stability 
Lee, Lung-Fei ; Porter, Robert H.. (1984)  2 - p. 391-418
Exemplar:  Zentrale:Magazin Zs fb 5887

Human embryonic and fetal death 

proceedings of the 10th annual Birth Defects Institute symp...  Birth Defects Institute Symposia ; 10
Exemplar:  Zentrale:E02 a kli 786.0 ik/38

Population cytogenetics 

studies in humans ; proceedings of a Symposium on Human Pop...  Birth Defects Institute symposia ; 6
Exemplar:  Zentrale:Magazin 01.j.0592

Heredity and society 

proceedings of a Symposium on Heredity and Society, sponsor...  Birth Defects Institute symposia ; 2
Exemplar:  Zentrale:Magazin 01.f.2278