Burden, Eleanor
49  Ergebnisse:
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Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty:

Burden, Eleanor G ; Batten, Timothy J ; Smith, Christopher D.
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Characteristics and skin cancer risk of psoriasis patients ..:

Mason, K.J. ; Burden, A.D. ; Barker, J.N.W.N....
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.  35 (2021)  8 - p. , 2021

Risks of basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma in psoriasi..:

Mason, K.J. ; Burden, A.D. ; Barker, J.N.W.N....
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.  35 (2021)  8 - p. , 2021

Quantitative Evaluation of Biologic Therapy Options for Pso..:

Jabbar-Lopez, Zarif K. ; Yiu, Zenas Z.N. ; Ward, Victoria...
Journal of Investigative Dermatology.  137 (2017)  8 - p. 1646-1654 , 2017

Risk of Serious Infections in Patients with Psoriasis on Bi..:

Yiu, Zenas Z.N. ; Exton, Lesley S. ; Jabbar-Lopez, Zarif...
Journal of Investigative Dermatology.  136 (2016)  8 - p. 1584-1591 , 2016