Dahrouge, Simone
56  Ergebnisse:
Personensuche X

In‐person interventions to reduce social isolation and lone..:

Welch, Vivian ; Ghogomu, Elizabeth tanjong ; Dowling, Sierra...
https://research.manchester.ac.uk/en/publications/08ffcd85-1540-478f-bd8e-2245296c6475.  , 2024

PROTOCOL: In‐person interventions to reduce social isolatio..:

Welch, Vivian ; Tanjong ghogomu, Elizabeth ; Dowling, Sierra...
https://research.manchester.ac.uk/en/publications/84417105-ec66-4976-b331-963bcab10be9.  , 2023

Patient perspectives on quality of care for depression and ..:

Ashcroft, Rachelle ; Menear, Matthew ; Greenblatt, Andrea...
Ashcroft, R, Menear, M, Greenblatt, A, et al. Patient perspectives on quality of care for depression and anxiety in primary health care teams: A qualitative study. Health Expect. 2021; 00: 1– 10. https://doi-org.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/10.1111/hex.13242.  , 2021

Inequities in the delivery of mental health care: a grounde..:

Ashcroft, Rachelle ; Menear, Matthew ; Silveira, Jose...
Ashcroft, R., Menear, M., Silveira, J. et al. Inequities in the delivery of mental health care: a grounded theory study of the policy context of primary care. Int J Equity Health 20, 144 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-021-01492-5.  , 2021

Does healthcare inequity reflect variations in peoples' abi..:

Haggerty, Jeannie ; Levesque, Jean-Frederic ; Harris, Mark...
Haggerty , J , Levesque , J-F , Harris , M , Scott , C , Dahrouge , S , Lewis , V , Dionne , E , Stocks , N & Russell , G 2020 , ' Does healthcare inequity reflect variations in peoples' abilities to access healthcare? Results from a multi-jurisdictional interventional study in two high-income countries ' , International Journal for Equity in Health , vol. 19 , no. 1 , 167 . https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-020-01281-6.  , 2020

Incentives and disincentives for treating of depression and..:

Ashcroft, Rachelle ; Menear, Matthew ; Silveira, Jose..
Ashcroft, R. et al (2016). Incentives and disincentives for treating of depression and anxiety in Ontario Family Health Teams: Protocol for a grounded theory study. BMJ Open 14;6(11): e014623. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014623..  , 2016

Incentives and disincentives for treating of depression and..:

Ashcroft, Rachelle ; Menear, Matthew ; Silveira, Jose..
Ashcroft, R. et al (2016). Incentives and disincentives for treating of depression and anxiety in Ontario Family Health Teams: Protocol for a grounded theory study. BMJ Open 14;6(11): e014623. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014623..  , 2016