Olmos, M.
~ 1100  Ergebnisse:
Personensuche X

Monthly calcifediol versus biweekly calcifediol in the trea..:

Olmos, J M ; Arnaiz, F ; Hernandez, J L..
https://bjihs.emnuvens.com.br/bjihs/article/view/179/245.  , 2021

Sobrepeso y obesidad en escolares: estudio de prevalencia e..:

Olmos, M ; Riva, G ; Tobler, B..
https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/med/article/view/17862/17722.  , 2017

Genetic sharing with cardiovascular disease risk factors an..:

Reppe S ; Wang Y ; Thompson W.K...
Reppe S., Wang Y., Thompson W.K., McEvoy L.K., Schork A.J., Zuber V., LeBlanc M., Bettella F., Mills I.G., Desikan R.S., Djurovic S., Gautvik K.M., Dale A.M., Andreassen O.A., Estrada K., Styrkarsdottir U., Evangelou E., Hsu Y.-H., Duncan E.L., Ntzani E.E., Oei L., Albagha O.M.E., Amin N., Kemp J.P., Koller D.L., Li G., Liu C.-T., Minster R.L., Moayyeri A., Vandenput L., Willner D., Xiao S.-M., Yerges-Armstrong L.M., Zheng H.-F., Alonso N., Eriksson J., Kammerer C.M., Kaptoge S.K., Leo P.J., Thorleifsson G., Wilson S.G., Wilson J.F., Aalto V., Alen M., Aragaki A.K., Aspelund T., Center J.R., Dailiana Z., Duggan D.J., Garcia M., Garcia-Giralt N., Giroux S., Hallmans G., Hocking L.J., Husted L.B., Jameson K.A., Khusainova R., Kim G.S., Kooperberg C., Koromila T., Kruk M., Laaksonen M., Lacroix A.Z., Lee S.H., Leung P.C., Lewis J.R., Masi L., Mencej-Bedrac S., Nguyen T.V., Nogues X., Patel M.S., Prezelj J., Rose L.M., Scollen S., Siggeirsdottir K., Smith A.V., Svensson O., Tr....  , 2015

Genetic determinants of heel bone properties: genome-wide a..:

Moayyeri, A ; Hsu, Y.H ; Karasik, D...
https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/347db46f-cbb3-4dfb-ac8b-2bd396533e2e.  , 2014

Genetic determinants of heel bone properties: genome-wide a..:

Moayyeri, A ; Hsu, Y.H ; Karasik, D...
https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/347db46f-cbb3-4dfb-ac8b-2bd396533e2e.  , 2014

Inventory of fauna transported by floating meadows in the r..:

Guerrero, E.L ; Agnolin, F.L ; Grilli, P...
http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12110/paper_15145158_v19_n2_p177_Guerrero.  ,