Preston, John
2461  Ergebnisse:
Personensuche X

Differenz und Krise: Krisenthematisierungen in der qualitat.. 

Schriftenreihe der DGfE-Kommission Qualitative Bildungs- und Biographieforschung, 11

Differenz und Krise: Krisenthematisierungen in der qualitat.. 

Schriftenreihe der DGfE-Kommission Qualitative Bildungs- und Biographieforschung, 11

"Interpretations of Nature" in Polanyi's Science, Faith and..:

, In: Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action; Science, Faith, Society: New Essays on the Philosophy of Michael Polanyi,
Preston, John - p. 101-114 , 2024

Effects of Shared Vehicle Schemes and Mobility as a Service..:

, In: 2023 8th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS),

All things must pass? Recent changes to competition and own..:

Preston, John
Research in Transportation Economics.  99 (2023)  - p. 101281 , 2023

Schools and emergency feeding in a national crisis in the U..:

Preston, John
British Journal of Sociology of Education.  44 (2023)  4 - p. 631-648 , 2023

Assessing the Social Costs of Mixed Transport Systems with ..:

Preston, John ; Vu, Tam
Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering (STCE) - HUCE.  17 (2023)  3 - p. 80-101 , 2023

Erwachsenenbildung in Ausnahmezuständen:: eine Provokation:

, In: Re-Konstruktionen – Krisenthematisierungen in der Erwachsenenbildung,
Preston, John - p. 39-44 , 2023