Quan, Yin-Sheng
64  Ergebnisse:
Personensuche X

Widely targeted metabolomics reveals the effect of differen..:

Jian-Chang Jin ; Shuang Liang ; Shang-Xiong Qi...
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The new exact solitary solutions for the (3+1)-dimensional ..:

Yin Xiao-Jun ; Liu Quan-Sheng ; Yang Lian-Gui.
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Differential transmission of Sri Lankan cassava mosaic viru..:

Chi, Yao ; Pan, Li-Long ; Bouvaine, Sophie...
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Harnessing the potential of CRISPR/Cas in atherosclerosis:D..:

Siew, Wei Sheng ; Tang, Yin Quan ; Kong, Chee Kei...
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Apoptosis in a Whitefly Vector Activated by a Begomovirus E..:

Xin-Ru Wang ; Chao Wang ; Fei-Xue Ban...
https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mSystems.00433-20.  , 2020