97  Ergebnisse:

Marine pollution, shipping waste and international law 

Routledge research in international environmental law
Exemplare:  Juridicum: h jur 070.8 ea/110; TB BHV: jur 389.2/36

Das Recht der internationalen Gefahrstoffverbringung 

Völkerrecht und internationale Beziehungen ; Band 13
Exemplare:  Juridicum: h jur 069.6 ea/102; Zentrale:Magazin 03.e.3412

Strengthening international fisheries law in an era of chan.. 

edited by Richard Caddell and Erik J Molenaar 
Exemplar:  Juridicum: h jur 070.8 mb/142

Environmental protection by the Black Sea Commission 

organisation and performance in comparison with the Baltic ... 
Khuchua, Nina , 2018
Exemplare: Zentrale; Juridicum;

Die Ordnung der Meere 

zur Integration von maritimer Raumplanung und Meeresumwelts...  Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 2, Rechtswissenschaft ; Band/Volume 5959
Maurer, Anja , [2017]
Exemplare: Zentrale; Juridicum;

Saving the oceans through law 

the international legal framework for the protection of the... 
Harrison, James - First edition . , 2017
Exemplare: TB BHV; TB Nautik; Juridicum;

Marine environmental law and international maritime securit..:

, In: The IMLI manual on international maritime law / general editor David Joseph Attard
volume 3
Exemplar:  Juridicum: h jur 070 ad/190-3

Aquaculture law and policy 

global, regional and national perspectives  New horizons in environmental and energy law
Exemplar:  Juridicum: h jur 027 jwm/167

The new entrants problem in international fisheries law 

Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law
Serdy, Andrew , [2016]
Exemplar:  Juridicum: h jur 070.8 ea/145

Research handbook on international marine environmental law 

Research handbooks in environmental law
Exemplar:  Juridicum: h jur 070.8 ad/155

International Law on Tuna Fisheries Management 

Is the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission rea...  Umweltrechtliche Studien – Studies on Environmental Law ; 46
Unterweger, Ingo - 1. Auflage . , 2015

Climate change impacts on ocean and coastal law 

U.S. and international perspectives 
Exemplar:  Juridicum: h jur 070.2 mb/124