Seeber, Beata
47  results:
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Does endometriosis inflict harm on embryos? A systematic re..:

Cupino-Arcinue, Diana ; Seeber, Beata ; Montag, Markus.
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics.  309 (2023)  4 - p. 1191-1203 , 2023

Rates of severe complications in patients undergoing colore..:

Hudelist, Gernot ; Korell, Matthias ; Burkhardt, Michael...
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica.  101 (2022)  10 - p. 1057-1064 , 2022

Preoperative application of the Enzian classification for e..:

Enzelsberger, Simon‐Hermann ; Oppelt, Peter ; Nirgianakis, Konstantinos...
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.  129 (2022)  12 - p. 2052-2061 , 2022

Put away the needle, take out the measuring tape: Is neck c..:

Seeber, Beata
Fertility and Sterility.  115 (2021)  3 - p. 603-604 , 2021

Beta endorphin in serum and follicular fluid of PCOS- and n..:

Jaschke, Nikolai ; Lunger, Fabian ; Wildt, Ludwig.
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics.  298 (2018)  1 - p. 217-222 , 2018