Goette, Lorenz
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How wages change 

, In: The journal of economic perspectives
micro evidence from the international wage flexibility proj... 
Goette, Lorenz ; Dickens, William T. ; Groshen, Erica L.... (2007)  2 - p. 195-214
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 z vwl 001 jc/328; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fe 6328

Do workers work more if wages are high? 

, In: The American economic review / publ. by the American Economic Association
evidence from a randomized field experiment 
Fehr, Ernst ; Goette, Lorenz. (2007)  1 - p. 298-317
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 z vwl 001 jc/649; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 1649

The impact of group membership on cooperation and norm enfo.. 

, In: The American economic review / publ. by the American Economic Association
evidence using random assignment tom real social groups 
Goette, Lorenz. (2006)  2 - p. 212-216
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 z vwl 001 jc/649; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 1649

Randomizing endowments 

, In: American economic journal
an experimental study of rational expectations and referenc... 
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 z vwl 001 jc/654

Overcoming salience bias 

, In: Management science
how real-time feedback fosters resource conservation 
Tiefenbeck, Verena ; Degen, Kathrin ; Götte, Lorenz.... (2018)  3 - p. 1458-1476
Copies: Zentrale;

Fair wages and effort provision 

, In: Management science
combining evidence from a choice experiment and a field exp... 
Cohn, Alain. (2015)  8 - p. 1777-1794
Copies: Zentrale;

Competition between organizational groups 

, In: Management science
its impact on altruistic and antisocial motivations 
Götte, Lorenz ; Huffman, David ; Meier, Stephan.. (2012)  5 - p. 948-960
Copies: Zentrale;

The impact of social ties on group interactions 

, In: American economic journal
evidence from minimal groups and randomly assigned real gro... 
Götte, Lorenz. (2012)  1 - p. 101-115
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 z vwl 001 jc/654

Reference points and effort provision:

, In: The American economic review / publ. by the American Economic Association
Abeler, Johannes ; Falk, Armin ; Götte, Lorenz.. (2011)  2 - p. 470-492
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 z vwl 001 jc/649; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fc 1649

Reducing foreclosures 

, In: NBER macroeconomics annual / National Bureau of Economic Research
no easy answers 
Copies:  Zentrale:Magazin Zs ff 2978

Reference points and effort provision 

CESifo working paper series ; 2585, Labour markets
Copies:  Zentrale:Magazin 02.D.6037

Merger policy 

, In: Experiments and competition policy / ed. by Jeroen Hinloopen ...
what can we learn from experiments? 
Götte, Lorenz. (2009)  - p. 185-216
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 a vwl 162.9/664; BB WiWi: 11a vwl 162.9/664a