Atkinson, Thomas M.
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Money income distribution 

, In: Southern economic journal / publ. by the Southern Economic Association, College of Business Administration, of Tennessee University. With financial support from Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Business, Department of Economics
South vs. non-South 
Atkinson, Thomas R.. (1956)  1 - p. 15-27

A dynamic model for posttraumatic stress disorder among US ..:

, In: Management science
Atkinson, Michael P. ; Guetz, Adam. (2009)  9 - p. 1454-1468
Copies: Zentrale;

Prompting microfinance borrowers to save 

, In: Economic development and cultural change
a field experiment from Guatemala 
Atkinson, Jesse ; De Janvry, Alain ; McIntosh, Craig.. (2013)  1 - p. 21-64
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 z vwl 442 jc/427; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fb 9427

The top 1 percent in international and historical perspecti..:

, In: The journal of economic perspectives
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 z vwl 001 jc/328; Zentrale:Magazin Zs fe 6328


, In: Basler Jahrbuch für historische Musikpraxis
cradle of (western) musical creativity 
Atkinson, Charles M.. (2011/2012)  - p. 27-56
Copies:  Zentrale:E03 z mus 036 ja/355; TB Musik: Z mus 037jb/379

Multiple-output child health production functions 

, In: Southern economic journal / publ. by the Southern Economic Association, College of Business Administration, of Tennessee University. With financial support from Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Business, Department of Economics
the impact of time-varying and time-invariant inputs 
Agee, Mark D.. (2008)  2 - p. 410-428

Zur Entstehung und Überlieferung der "Missa graeca":

, In: Archiv für Musikwissenschaft
Atkinson, Charles M.. (1982)  2 - p. 113-145
Copies:  Zentrale:E03 z mus 001 ja/95; Zentrale:ZS-Lesesaal mus 005