Christopher P. Wilding
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List of Contributors:

, In: Animal and Translational Models for CNS Drug Discovery,
Acri, Jane B. ; Borsini, Franco ; Bergman, Jack... - p. xli-xliii , 2008

List of Contributors:

, In: Animal and Translational Models for CNS Drug Discovery,
Acri, Jane B. ; Borsini, Franco ; Bergman, Jack... - p. xli-xlii , 2008

Remateable and Deformable Area-Array Interconnects in 3D Sm..:

, In: 2020 IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC),

Safe Human-Computer Interface Based On Efficient Image Proc..:

, In: 2020 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI),
Wilding, S. ; Walker, P. ; Clinton, S... - p. 000065-000070 , 2020