Jiao, Fen
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Analysis of Mechanism Elastodynamic Performance in Automati..:

, In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Intelligent Robotics and Applications,
He, Liang ; Wang, Fen ; Wang, YaPing... - p. 88-100 , 2023

Performance comparison of reconstruction algorithm based on..:

, In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal, Information and Data Processing (ICSIDP),
Zhao, Hanxi ; Pan, Hebin ; Shen, Jian... - p. 1-5 , 2019

Common-View time transfer experiment based on COMPASS-M1 sa..:

, In: 2009 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Joint with the 22nd European Frequency and Time forum,
Wu, Fenglei ; Yang, Xuhai ; Li, Xiaohui... - p. None , 2009