Boon, Wah Chin
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SCA-1 labels a subset of estrogen-responsive bipotential re..:

Dall, Genevieve V ; Vieusseux, Jessica L ; Korach, Kenneth S...
Dall , G V , Vieusseux , J L , Korach , K S , Arao , Y , Hewitt , S C , Hamilton , K J , Dzierzak , E , Boon , W C , Simpson , E R , Ramsay , R G , Stein , T , Morris , J S , Anderson , R L , Risbridger , G P & Britt , K L 2017 , ' SCA-1 labels a subset of estrogen-responsive bipotential repopulating cells within the CD24 + CD49f hi mammary stem cell-enriched compartment ' , Stem Cell Reports , vol. 8 , no. 2 , pp. 417-431 .  , 2017

Testosterone-induced adult neurosphere growth is mediated b..:

Ransome, Mark I ; Boon, Wah Chin
Ransome , M I & Boon , W C 2015 , ' Testosterone-induced adult neurosphere growth is mediated by sexually-dimorphic aromatase expression ' , Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience , vol. 9 , 253 .  , 2015

Effects of estrogens on adipokines and glucose homeostasis ..:

Van Sinderen, Michelle L ; Steinberg, Gregory R ; Jorgensen, Sebastian B...
Van Sinderen , M L , Steinberg , G R , Jorgensen , S B , Honeyman , J , Chow , J D , Herridge , K A , Winship , A L , Dimitriadis , E , Jones , M E E , Simpson , E R & Boon , W C 2015 , ' Effects of estrogens on adipokines and glucose homeostasis in female aromatase knockout mice ' , PLoS ONE , vol. 10 , no. 8 , 0136143 .  , 2015

Hepatic glucose intolerance precedes hepatic steatosis in t..:

Van Sinderen, Michelle Leigh ; Steinberg, Gregory R ; Jorgensen, Sebastian B...
Van Sinderen , M L , Steinberg , G R , Jorgensen , S B , To , S Q G , Knower , K C , Clyne , C , Honeyman , J E , Chow , J D Y , Herridge , K , Jones , M E , Simpson , E R & Boon , W C 2014 , ' Hepatic glucose intolerance precedes hepatic steatosis in the male aromatase knockout (ArKO) mouse ' , PLoS ONE , vol. 9 , no. 2 , e87230 .  , 2014

Characterization of aromatase expression in the adult male ..:

Stanic, Davor ; Dubois, Sydney ; Chua, Hui Kheng...
Stanic , D , Dubois , S , Chua , H K , Tonge , B J , Rinehart , N J , Horne , M K & Boon , W C 2014 , ' Characterization of aromatase expression in the adult male and female mouse brain. I. Coexistence with oestrogen receptors alpha and beta, and androgen receptors ' , PLoS ONE , vol. 9 , no. 3 , e90451 .  , 2014

Cord blood lipid correlation network profiles are associate..:

Kristina Vacy ; Sarah Thomson ; Archer Moore...  , 2024

Mapping Motor Neuron Vulnerability in the Neuraxis of Male ..:

Victoria M. McLeod ; Mathew D. F. Chiam ; Nirma D. Perera...  , 2022

SCA-1 Labels a Subset of Estrogen-Responsive Bipotential Re..:

Genevieve V. Dall ; Jessica L. Vieusseux ; Kenneth S. Korach...  , 2017

Characterization of aromatase expression in the adult male ..:

Davor Stanić ; Sydney Dubois ; Hui Kheng Chua...  , 2014

Effect of Cangrelor on Infarct Size in ST-Segment Elevation..:

Bulluck, Heerajnarain ; Chong, Jun Hua ; Bryant, Jennifer...  , 2024