Goette, Lorenz
55  results:
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Does positive feedback of social impact motivate prosocial ..:

Goette, Lorenz ; Tripodi, Egon
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.  175 (2020)  - p. 1-8 , 2020

Blood donations and incentives: Evidence from a field exper..:

Goette, Lorenz ; Stutzer, Alois
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.  170 (2020)  - p. 52-74 , 2020

Randomizing Endowments: An Experimental Study of Rational E..:

Cerulli-Harms, Annette ; Goette, Lorenz ; Sprenger, Charles
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.  11 (2019)  1 - p. 185-207 , 2019

The Limits of Expectations-Based Reference Dependence:

Gneezy, Uri ; Goette, Lorenz ; Sprenger, Charles.
Journal of the European Economic Association.  15 (2017)  4 - p. 861-876 , 2017