Baker, Laura M.
16  results:
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The Nature-Nurture Problem in Violence:

, In: International handbook of violence research / ed. by Wilhelm Heitmeyer and John Hagan
Baker, Laura. (2003)  - p. 589-610
Copies:  Juridicum: h jur 027 wpa/055

Das Anlage-Umwelt-Problem im Zusammenhang mit Gewalt:

, In: Internationales Handbuch der Gewaltforschung / Wilhelm Heitmeyer; John Hagan (Hrsg.)
Baker, Laura. (2002)  - p. 735-760

Exploring intercultural communication problems in health ca..:

, In: Intercultural Communication / edited by Ling Chen
Copies:  Zentrale:E03 a puz 013.9/545

Racial segregation and the digital divide in the Detroit me..:

, In: The network society / ed. by Manuel Castells
Baker, Wayne E. ; Coleman, Kenneth M.. (2004)  - p. 249-268
Copies: Zentrale; TB BHV;

Trust or verification? 

, In: Trust, but verify / edited by Martin Klimke, Reinhild Kreis, and Christian F. Ostermann
accepting vulnerability in the making of the INF Treaty 
Copies:  Zentrale:Magazin 02.s.0303

The 1993 Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention and subsidi.. 

, In: A commitment to private international law / Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law
is the subsidiarity principle still “fit for purpose”? 
Copies:  Juridicum: h jur 002 vloon/65

Who is in charge of value? 

, In: Innovation in pricing / edited by Andreas Hinterhuber and Stephan M. Liozu
the e emerging role of Chief Value Officer 
Baker, Ronald J. ; Liozu, Stephan. (2018)  - p. 103-122
Copies:  TB Nautik 17/1.8 Inn 1 (2018); Zentrale:E02 a bwl 469/636

Measuring physician practice competition using Medicare dat:

, In: Measuring and modeling health care costs / edited by Ana Aizcorbe, Colin Baker, Ernst R. Berndt, and David M. Cutler
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 a swl 614/797

'Find the doctors of death': Press representation of foreig..:

, In: The discourse reader / edited by Adam Jaworski and Nikolas Coupland
Baker, Paul. (2014)  - p. 465-480
Copies:  Zentrale:E03 a asl 413.6/640(3)

Crime, expectations, and the deterrence hypothesis:

, In: Research handbook on economic models of law / ed. by Thomas J. Miceli ...
Baker, Matthew J.. (2013)  - p. 235-280
Copies:  Juridicum: h jur 011 ad/125

Marketing - philosophy or function?:

, In: Marketing theory / ed. by Michael Baker & Michael Saren
Baker, Michael John. (2010)  - p. 3-25
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 a bwl 401/522(2); BB WiWi: 11a bwl 401/522(2)a

Das zweiköpfige Lama zähmen 

, In: What the hell is quality? / Elisabeth Lack; Christoph Markschies (Hg.)
die australische Suche nach den besten Evaluierungsmehtoden... 
Donovan, Claire. (2008)  - p. 74 - 98
Copies:  Zentrale:E03 a pae 895.2/528

Structural register and multi-movement form in Mozart:

Baker, James M.. (2008)  - p. 39-63
Copies:  Zentrale:E03 a mus 025.4 sce/586

The scorecard on development 

, In: Flat world, big gaps / ed. by Jomo K. S. with Jacques Baudot
25 years of diminished progress 
Weisbrot, Mark ; Rosnick, David. (2007)  - p. 24-47
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 a vwl 479/162; BB WiWi: 11a vwl 479/162a