Coleman, David
3  results:
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The mediation of political disconnection:

, In: Political communication in postmodern democracy / ed. by Kees Brants and Katrin Voltmer
Copies:  Zentrale:E03 a puz 053/052

The meaning of monopoly 

antritrust analysis in high-technology industries 
Teece, David J. ; Coleman, Mary. (2008)  - p. 23-55
Copies:  BB WiWi: 11a bwl 062/333-4

Migration to Europe: a critique of the new establishment co..:

, In: Demographic and cultural specificity and integration of migrants / org. by the Federal Inst. for Population Research ...
Coleman, David A.. (2001)  - p. 45-57
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 a sow 150/379-103