Mekonnen, Daniel
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Nuclear weapon-free zones 

, In: Nuclear weapons under international law / ed. by Gro Nystuen, Stuart Casey-Maslen, Annie Golden Bersagel
the political context 
Hellestveit, Cecilie ; Mekonnen, Daniel. (2014)  - p. 347-373
Copies:  Juridicum: h jur 080.6 ato/172

The potential use of artificial intelligence in a nuclear w..:

, In: Nuclear disarmament and security at risk / Jonathan L. Black-Branch, Dieter Fleck (editors)
Mekonnen, Daniel Rezene. (2021)  - p. 305-329
Copies:  Juridicum: h jur 080.6 ato/103-6

African perspectives on denuclearisation and the use of nuc..:

, In: Human perspectives on the development and use of nuclear energy / Jonathan L. Black-Branch, Dieter Fleck (editors)
Mekonnen, Daniel Rezene. (2019)  - p. 167-187
Copies:  Juridicum: h jur 080.6 ato/103-4