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Structural divergence and crisis in the Eurozone 

, In: Contemporary issues in macroeconomics / edited by Joseph E. Stiglitz (University Professor, Columbia University, USA) and Martin Guzman (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Columbia University Business School, USA, and Associate Professor, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
the role of NAIRU economics 
Storm, Servaas ; Naastepad, Carola W. M.. (2016)  - p. 101-128
Copies:  BB WiWi: 11a vwl 436/032

Labour market rigidities can be useful 

, In: Financial crisis, labour markets, and institutions / ed. by Sebastiano Fadda and Pasquale Tridico
a Schumpeterian view 
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 a vwl 311/605; BB WiWi: 11a vwl 311/605a

Feasible egalitarianism: demand-led growth, labour and tech..:

, In: Handbook of alternative theories of economic growth / ed. by Mark Setterfield
Naastepad, Carola W. M.. (2010)  - p. 311-330
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 a vwl 443/988; BB WiWi: 11a vwl 443/988a

Innovationspolitik in den Niederlanden:

, In: Innovationspolitik: wie kann Deutschland von anderen lernen? / Frank Gerlach ; Astrid Ziegler (Hg.)
Kleinknecht, Alfred Herrmann. (2007)  - p. 120-133
Copies:  SOCIUM: 03.02.2 0273ku072007; BB WiWi: 11a vwl 467/627

Flexible labour markets and labour productivity growth 

, In: Elgar companion to neo-Schumpeterian economics / ed. by Horst Hanusch; Andreas Pyka
is there a trade-off? 
Kleinknecht, Alfred Herrmann. (2007)  - p. 647-665
Copies: Zentrale; BB WiWi;

The many edges of the fiscal policy sword:

, In: Globalization and economic development / ed. by Servaas Storm ...
Naastepad, Carola W. M.. (2001)  - p. 120-146
Copies:  TB Nautik 12/8 Glo 4 (2001)/Magazin

An alternative approach to efficiency measurement of seapor..:

, In: Port management / edited by Hercules E. Haralambides, Professor of Maritime Economics and Logistics, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Park, Ro-kyung ; De, Prabir. (2015)  - p. 273-292