Gay, Melvin C.L.
3  results:
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Evolution of recent economic-demographic modeling: a synthe..:

, In: Population change, labor markets, and sustainable growth / ed. by Andrew Mason; Mitoshi Yamaguchi
Kelley, Allen C.. (2007)  - p. 5-37
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 a vwl 244/612; BB WiWi: 11a vwl 244/612a

A century of demographic change and economic growth: the As..:

, In: Population change, labor markets, and sustainable growth / ed. by Andrew Mason; Mitoshi Yamaguchi
Kelley, Allen C.. (2007)  - p. 39-74
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 a vwl 244/612; BB WiWi: 11a vwl 244/612a

Proximity versus directional models of voting 

, In: Topics in analytical political economy / ed. by Melvin Hinich; William A. Barnett
different concepts but one theory 
Henning, Christian H. C. A. ; Shikano, Susumu. (2007)  - p. 117-138
Copies:  Zentrale:E02 a vwl 083/788; BB WiWi: 11a vwl 083/788a