Bradby, Keith
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Connectivity Conservation: a strategy to accelerate effecti..:

Bradby, Keith ; Howling, Gary ; Debus, Bob...
Bradby K., Howling G., Debus B., Young V., Mackey B., Underwood J., Adams J. (2023) Connectivity Conservation: a strategy to accelerate effective action from the practitioner's perspective. Gondwana Link, the Great Eastern Ranges Initiative and the National Landcare Network Policy Discussion Paper 2/23. Climate Action Beacon, Griffith University.  , 2023

Connectivity Conservation: forging the nexus between biodiv..:

Mackey, Brendan ; Bradby, Keith ; Gould, Liz...
Mackey, B., Bradby, K., Gould, L., Howling, G., O'Connor, J., Spencer-Smith, T., & Young, V. (2023). Connectivity Conservation: forging the nexus between biodiversity protection and climate action in Australia. Griffith University.  , 2023