Brinkhuizen, Tjinta
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The effect of topical diclofenac 3% and calcitriol 3 μg/g o..:

Brinkhuizen, Tjinta ; Frencken, Kiki J A ; Nelemans, Patty J...  , 2016

Locally advanced basal cell carcinoma has a distinct methyl..:

Brinkhuizen, Tjinta ; van Geel, Michel ; Denil, Simon L. I. J...
Brinkhuizen , T , van Geel , M , Denil , S L I J , De Meyer , T , Kelleners-Smeets , N W J , Lohuis , P J F M , Hoebers , F J P , Winnepenninckx , V J L , van Steensel , M A M & Mosterd , K 2016 , ' Locally advanced basal cell carcinoma has a distinct methylation and transcriptomic profile ' , Experimental Dermatology , vol. 25 , no. 4 , pp. 316-318 .  , 2016

Basal cell carcinoma:epigenetics and new treatment modaliti..:

Brinkhuizen, Tjinta
Brinkhuizen , T 2016 , ' Basal cell carcinoma : epigenetics and new treatment modalities, Out of the box ' , Maastricht University .  , 2016

Epidermal Cyst Formation and Hyperkeratosis in a Patient Tr..:

Reinders, Marie G. H. C ; Brinkhuizen, Tjinta ; Soetekouw, Patricia M. M. B...
Reinders , M G H C , Brinkhuizen , T , Soetekouw , P M M B , Kelleners-Smeets , N W J , Hamid , M A A & Mosterd , K 2015 , ' Epidermal Cyst Formation and Hyperkeratosis in a Patient Treated with Vismodegib for Locally Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma ' , Acta Dermato-Venereologica , vol. 95 , no. 5 , pp. 618-619 .  , 2015

Immunohistochemical analysis of the mechanistic target of r..:

Brinkhuizen, Tjinta ; Weijzen, Chantal A. H ; Eben, Jonathan...  , 2014

Epigenetic Changes in Basal Cell Carcinoma Affect SHH and W..:

Brinkhuizen, Tjinta ; van den Hurk, Karin ; Winnepenninckx, Veronique J. L...
Brinkhuizen , T , van den Hurk , K , Winnepenninckx , V J L , de Hoon , J P , van Marion , A M W , Veeck , J , van Engeland , M & van Steensel , M A M 2012 , ' Epigenetic Changes in Basal Cell Carcinoma Affect SHH and WNT Signaling Components ' , PLOS ONE , vol. 7 , no. 12 , E51710 .  , 2012

A Single-Nucleotide Deletion in the POMP 5 ' UTR Causes a T..:

Dahlqvist, Johanna ; Klar, Joakim ; Tiwari, Neha...
Dahlqvist , J , Klar , J , Tiwari , N , Schuster , J , Torma , H , Badhai , J , Pujol , R , van Steensel , M A M , Brinkhuizen , T , Gijezen , L , Chaves , A , Tadini , G , Vahlquist , A & Dahl , N 2010 , ' A Single-Nucleotide Deletion in the POMP 5 ' UTR Causes a Transcriptional Switch and Altered Epidermal Proteasome Distribution in KLICK Genodermatosis ' , American Journal of Human Genetics , vol. 86 , no. 4 , pp. 596-603 .  , 2010

Immunohistochemical analysis of the mechanistic target of r..:

Tjinta Brinkhuizen ; Chantal A H Weijzen ; Jonathan Eben...  , 2014