Brooks, Heather
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AMAP 2017 Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic:Perspect..:

Aastrup, Peter ; Ackrén, Maria ; Allard, Michel...  , 2018

Built infrastructure:

Ingeman-Nielsen, Thomas ; Lemay, Mickaël ; Allard, Michel...
Ingeman-Nielsen , T , Lemay , M , Allard , M , Barrette , C , Bjella , K , Brooks , H , Carbonneau , A-S , Doré , G , Foged , N , Lading , T , L'Hérault , E & Mathon-Dufour , V 2018 , Built infrastructure . in Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspectives from the Baffin Bay/Davis Strait Region . Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) , Oslo, Norway , pp. 261-306 ..  , 2018

AMAP 2017. Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspe..:

Aastrup, Peter ; Ackrén, Maria ; Allard, Michel...
Aastrup , P , Ackrén , M , Allard , M , Archambault , P , Arendt , K , Barrette , C , Bélanger , S , Bell , T , Berteaux , D , Bjella , K , Bjorst , L R , Boertmann , D , Boolsen , M W , Brooks , H , Brown , R , Brown , T , Carbonneau , A-S , Chaumont , D , Christensen , T , Cuyler , C , Dawson , J , Derksen , C , Devred , É , Doré , G , Edmunds-Potvin , S , Falk , K , Ferguson , S , Finner , K , Foged , N , Ford , J , Franke , A , Gauthier , G , Grenier , P , Guy , E , Hamilton , J , Merrild Hansen , A , Healey , G , Hedeholm , R B , Hotson , C , Howell , S , Hung , H , Ingebrigtson , L , Ingeman-Nielsen , T , Kanatami , I T , Jacobsen , R B , James , T , Johnston , M , Kaae , B , Lading , T , Lafrenière , M , Lamoureux , S F , Langen , P L , Lasserre , F , Lavoie , D , Lee , D , Lemay , M , Lévesque , E , Lévesque , F , L'Hérault , E , Loya , W , Marchenko , S , Mathon-Dufour , V , Meltofte , H , Ravn Merkel , F , Mosbech , A , Mul....  , 2018

Microbes and the Inflammatory Response in Necrotising Enter..:

Brooks, Heather J.L  , 2013