Hopkins, Mandy
12  results:
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Meta-data compendium of datasets for integrated environment..:

Mathew Hardy (8246988) ; Damien Burrows (11756660) ; Allan Dale (11756652)...
https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Meta-data_compendium_of_datasets_for_integrated_environmental_assessment_in_northern_Australia/17082797.  , 2021

Destructive and topical treatments of skin lesions in organ..:

Green, Adele C ; Way, Mandy ; Oster, Mariella...
Green , A C , Way , M , Oster , M , Plasmeijer , E I , Jiyad , Z , O'rourke , P , Miura , K , Campbell , S , Isbel , N , Chambers , D C , Hopkins , P , Ferguson , L E , Davis , M B , Whiteman , D C , Soyer , H P & Marquart , L 2020 , ' Destructive and topical treatments of skin lesions in organ transplant recipients and relation to skin cancer ' , Archives of Dermatological Research . https://doi.org/10.1007/s00403-020-02136-4.  , 2020

Digital treasures: digitization as transformation [MP4 Post..:

Morton, Stephanie ; Ng, Jessie ; Rogers, Jill...
https://eprints.qut.edu.au/114419/1/QULOC_DigiPrac_Final.mp4.  , 2017

The use of technology in the subcategorisation of osteoarth..:

Claire Mennan ; Timothy Hopkins ; Alastair Channon...
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2665913120300728.  , 2020

Effect of second booster vaccinations and prior infection a..:

Peter D. Kirwan ; Victoria J. Hall ; Sarah Foulkes...
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666776223002284.  , 1481