Johnson, Leigh A.
752  results:
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Comparison of Empirically Derived and Model-Based Estimates..:

Stevens, Oliver ; Barnes, Rebecca K ; Stover, John...
Stevens , O , Barnes , R K , Stover , J , Teng , Y , Stannah , J , Silhol , R , Jones , H , Booton , R D , Martin-Hughes , R , Johnson , L , Maheu-Giroux , M , Mishra , S , Stone , J , Bershteyn , A , Kim , H-Y , Sabin , K , Mitchell , K M , Dimitrov , D , Baral , S D , Donnell , D , Korenromp , E , Rice , B , Hargreaves , J , Vickerman , P T , Claude Boily , M & Imai-Eaton , J 2024 , ' Comparison of Empirically Derived and Model-Based Estimates of Key Population HIV Incidence and the Distribution of New Infections by Population Group in Sub-Saharan Africa ' , Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes , vol. 95 , no. 1S , pp. e46-e58 .  , 2024

Uncertainty in the Drylands: Rethinking In/formal Insurance..:

Sccones, Ian ; Johnson, Leigh ; Shariff Mohamed, Tahira.
Johnson, L.; Shariff Mohamed, T.; Scoones, I. and Taye, M. (2023) Uncertainty in the Drylands: Rethinking In/formal Insurance from Pastoral East Africa, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0(0), DOI:10.1177/0308518X231168396.  , 2023

Secondary healthcare costs after mastectomy and immediate b..:

Mohiuddin, Syed ; Hollingworth, William ; Glynn, Joel...
Mohiuddin , S , Hollingworth , W , Glynn , J , Jones , T , Johnson , L , Potter , S & et , A 2023 , ' Secondary healthcare costs after mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction for women with breast cancer in England : population-based cohort study ' , British Journal of Surgery , vol. 110 , no. 9 , znad149 , pp. 1171-1179 .  , 2023