Wolff, Jennifer
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Liquid Geographies of Transatlantic Slavery: Caribbean Path..:

Wolff, Jennifer
https://cultureandhistory.revistas.csic.es/index.php/cultureandhistory/article/view/306/851.  , 2023

Becoming "Natural de Indias": Foreignness, "Vecindad" and C..:

Wolff, Jennifer
https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/opcit/article/view/16247/13803.  , 2019

"Guerra justa" y Real Hacienda: una nueva aproximación a la..:

Wolff, Jennifer
http://journals.upr.edu/index.php/opcit/article/view/7886/6479.  , 2013

Intersecting race and gender stereotypes:Implications for g..:

Phills, Curtis E ; Williams, Amanda ; Wolff, Jennifer M...
Phills , C E , Williams , A , Wolff , J M , Smith , A , Arnold , R , Felegy , K & Kuenzig , M E 2018 , ' Intersecting race and gender stereotypes : Implications for group-level attitudes ' , Group Processes and Intergroup Relations , vol. 21 , no. 8 , pp. 1172-1184 . https://doi.org/10.1177/1368430217706742.  , 2018