Özgirgin, Neşe
19  results:
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Influence of patient training on persistence, compliance, a..:

Akarirmak, Ulku ; Eskiyurt, Nurten ; Esmaeilzadeh, Sina...
Makale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanı.  , 2016

Short-term effects of upper extremity circuit resistance tr..:

Yildirim, Adem ; Surucu, Gulseren Dost ; Karamercan, Ayse...
Yildirim A., Surucu G. D. , Karamercan A., Gedik D. E. , Atci N., Dulgeroglu D., Ozgirgin N., "Short-term effects of upper extremity circuit resistance training on muscle strength and functional independence in patients with paraplegia", JOURNAL OF BACK AND MUSCULOSKELETAL REHABILITATION, cilt.29, ss.817-823, 2016.  , 2016

Electrophysiological and clinical evaluation of the effects..:

Karakoyun, Ahmet ; Boyraz, İsmail ; Gündüz, Ramazan..
Makale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanı.  , 2015

The Effect of the Stroke Etiology on Functional Improvement..:

Nakipoglu-Yuzer, Guldal F ; Dogan-Aslan, Meryem ; Dogan, Asuman.
Nakipoglu-Yuzer G. F. , Dogan-Aslan M., Dogan A., Ozgirgin N., "The Effect of the Stroke Etiology on Functional Improvement in our Geriatric Hemiplegic Patients", JOURNAL OF STROKE & CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, cilt.19, ss.204-208, 2010.  , 2010

Speech and language therapy for aphasia following subacute ..:

Engin Koyuncu ; Pınar Çam ; Nermin Altınok...
http://www.nrronline.org/article.asp?issn=1673-5374;year=2016;volume=11;issue=10;spage=1591;epage=1594;aulast=Koyuncu.  , 2016