Barazzoni, Rocco
303  results:
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Optimising healthcare transition of adolescents and young a..:

Morandi, Anita ; Umano, Giuseppina Rosaria ; Vania, Andrea...
Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity.  29 (2024)  1 - p. , 2024

Key messages on obesity care from the 2023 ASPEN Physician ..:

Basishvili, Givi ; Newberry, Carolyn ; Mechanick, Jeffrey I...
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.  48 (2024)  5 - p. 546-553 , 2024

Detecting sarcopenia in obesity: emerging new approaches:

Gortan Cappellari, Gianluca ; Zanetti, Michela ; Donini, Lorenzo Maria.
Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care.  27 (2024)  5 - p. 402-409 , 2024

An executive summary on the Global conceptual definition of..:

Kirk, Ben ; Cawthon, Peggy M. ; Arai, Hidenori...
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research.  36 (2024)  1 - p. , 2024

Prevalence and clinical implications of abnormal body compo..:

Montes-Ibarra, Montserrat ; Orsso, Camila E. ; Limon-Miro, Ana Teresa...
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.  117 (2023)  6 - p. 1288-1305 , 2023

Multidimensional prognostic index predicts short- and long-..:

Zanetti, Michela ; De Colle, Paolo ; Niero, Michele...
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research.  35 (2023)  7 - p. 1487-1495 , 2023

Overcoming barriers to timely recognition and treatment of ..:

Arends, Jann ; Muscaritoli, Maurizio ; Anker, Stefan...
Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology.  185 (2023)  - p. 103965 , 2023