Baum, Lorenz
56  results:
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Explanatory Interactive Machine Learning: Establishing an A..:

Pfeuffer, Nicolas ; Baum, Lorenz ; Stammer, Wolfgang...
Business & Information Systems Engineering.  65 (2023)  6 - p. 677-701 , 2023

Tuning doping and surface functionalization of columnar oxi..:

Postica, Vasile ; Vahl, Alexander ; Strobel, Julian...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A.  6 (2018)  46 - p. 23669-23682 , 2018

Sacrificial Template Synthesis and Properties of 3D Hollow-..:

Hölken, Iris ; Neubüser, Gero ; Postica, Vasile...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.  8 (2016)  31 - p. 20491-20498 , 2016

Influence of Oral Application of Mycophenolic Acid on the C..:

Mohr, A. I. ; Lorenz, I. ; Baum, B....
Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A.  54 (2007)  2 - p. 76-81 , 2007