Bourgoin, Adrien
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Use of Large-Eddy Simulation for the bed shear stress estim..:

Bourgoin, Adrien ; Guillou, Sylvain S. ; Thiébot, Jérôme.
International Journal of Sediment Research.  36 (2021)  6 - p. 687-695 , 2021

Use of Geodesy and Geophysics Measurements to Probe the Gra..:

, In: Fundamental Theories of Physics; Relativistic Geodesy,
Hees, Aurélien ; Bourgoin, Adrien ; Delva, Pacome.. - p. 317-358 , 2019

Turbulence characterization at a tidal energy site using la..:

Bourgoin, Adrien C. L. ; Guillou, Sylvain S. ; Thiébot, Jérôme.
Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.  378 (2020)  2178 - p. 1-20 , 2020