Bröcker, Jochen
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The Signal-to-Noise Paradox in Climate Forecasts: Revisitin..:

Weisheimer, Antje ; Baker, Laura H. ; Bröcker, Jochen...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.  105 (2024)  3 - p. E651-E659 , 2024

A statistical perspective on the signal‐to‐noise paradox:

Bröcker, Jochen ; Charlton–Perez, Andrew J. ; Weisheimer, Antje
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.  149 (2023)  752 - p. 911-923 , 2023

Stratified rank histograms for ensemble forecast verificati..:

Bröcker, Jochen ; Ben Bouallègue, Zied
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.  146 (2020)  729 - p. 1976-1990 , 2020

When and where do ECMWF seasonal forecast systems exhibit a..:

Charlton‐Perez, Andrew J. ; Bröcker, Jochen ; Stockdale, Timothy N..
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.  145 (2019)  725 - p. 3466-3478 , 2019

The added value of convection‐permitting ensemble forecasts..:

Cafaro, Carlo ; Frame, Thomas H. A. ; Methven, John..
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.  145 (2019)  721 - p. 1780-1798 , 2019

Almost Sure Error Bounds for Data Assimilation in Dissipati..:

Oljača, Lea ; Bröcker, Jochen ; Kuna, Tobias
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems.  17 (2018)  4 - p. 2882-2914 , 2018

Assessing the reliability of ensemble forecasting systems u..:

Bröcker, Jochen
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.  144 (2018)  717 - p. 2666-2675 , 2018

Existence and Uniqueness for Four-Dimensional Variational D..:

Bröcker, Jochen
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems.  16 (2017)  1 - p. 361-374 , 2017