Capon, Anthony Guy
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Current status of arsenic exposure and social implication i..:

Phan, Kongkea ; Kim, Kyoung-Woong ; Huoy, Laingshun...
Environmental Geochemistry and Health.  38 (2015)  3 - p. 763-772 , 2015

Climate Change and Health in the Urban Environment: Adaptat..:

Bambrick, Hilary Jane ; Capon, Anthony Guy ; Barnett, Guy Bruce..
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health.  23 (2011)  2_suppl - p. 67S-79S , 2011

TheMJA–LancetCountdown on health and climate change: Austra..:

Zhang, Ying ; Beggs, Paul J ; Bambrick, Hilary...
Medical Journal of Australia.  209 (2018)  11 - p. 474-474 , 2018