Carattini, Stefano
94  results:
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Nudging when the descriptive norm is low: Evidence from a c..:

Carattini, Stefano ; Blasch, Julia
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics.  110 (2024)  - p. 102194 , 2024

Municipal building codes and the adoption of solar photovol..:

Carattini, Stefano ; Figge, Béla ; Gordan, Alexander.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.  124 (2024)  - p. 102937 , 2024

Peer-to-peer solar and social rewards: Evidence from a fiel..:

Carattini, Stefano ; Gillingham, Kenneth ; Meng, Xiangyu.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.  219 (2024)  - p. 340-370 , 2024

Carbon taxes:

, In: Dictionary of Ecological Economics,
Carattini, Stefano - p. 56-57 , 2023

The effects of contemporaneous air pollution on COVID-19 mo..:

Austin, Wes ; Carattini, Stefano ; Gomez-Mahecha, John.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.  119 (2023)  - p. 102815 , 2023

Managing momentum in climate negotiations*:

Carattini, Stefano ; Löschel, Andreas
Environmental Research Letters.  16 (2021)  5 - p. 051001 , 2021

Trust and CO2emissions: Cooperation on a global scale:

Jo, Ara ; Carattini, Stefano
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.  190 (2021)  - p. 922-937 , 2021