Chen, Changzu
16  results:
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Hierarchical Harris hawks optimization for epileptic seizur..:

Luo, Zhenzhen ; Jin, Shan ; Li, Zuoyong...
Computers in Biology and Medicine.  145 (2022)  - p. 105397 , 2022

Alzheimer's Disease Classification Based on Improved 3D Con..:

, In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Proceedings of 2021 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference,
Hu, Zhongyi ; Wu, Qi ; Jin, Shan... - p. 1-10 , 2021

Classification of COVID-19 in CT Scans Using Image Smoothin..:

, In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Artificial Intelligence,
Chen, Changzu ; Hu, Zhongyi ; Jin, Shan... - p. 89-100 , 2021

Tracking via Enhanced Context-Aware Correlation Filter:

, In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Proceedings of 2019 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference,
Zou, Mianlu ; Hu, Zhongyi ; Wu, Qi. - p. 268-276 , 2019

List of contributors:

, In: Nuclear Power Reactor Designs,
Bersano, Andrea ; Bhowmik, P.K. ; Chen, Songhui... - p. xi-xii , 2024

Electric Energy Substitution Analysis of Typical Industries..:

, In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Innovative Computing,
Li, Changzu ; Cheng, Chen ; Xu, Xiaomin... - p. 487-496 , 2020

Electricity Consumption Prediction for Xinjiang Electric En..:

Song, Xinfu ; Liang, Gang ; Li, Changzu..
Mathematical Problems in Engineering.  2019 (2019)  1 - p. , 2019

Beam Supply for High Power Ion Thruster Research Based on S..:

, In: 2020 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),
Chen, Long ; Dong, Haiying ; Wu, Tong.. - p. 6366-6371 , 2020