Chen, Zi‐Wu
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Genotype of pioneer plant Miscanthus is not a key factor in..:

Liu, Danni ; Fei, Ying-heng ; Peng, Yuxin...
Journal of Hazardous Materials.  477 (2024)  - p. 135242 , 2024

Heavy metal contamination affects the core microbiome and a..:

Zhong, Xi ; Chen, Ziwu ; Ding, Kengbo...
Journal of Hazardous Materials.  443 (2023)  - p. 130241 , 2023

Effects of in situ leaching on the origin and migration of ..:

Liu, Xiao-Rui ; Liu, Wen-Shen ; Tang, Ye-Tao...
Journal of Hazardous Materials.  435 (2022)  - p. 128959 , 2022

Indicator species drive the key ecological functions of mic..:

Chen, Ziwu ; Zhong, Xi ; Zheng, Mengyuan...
Environmental Microbiology.  24 (2021)  2 - p. 919-937 , 2021

Factors influencing heavy metal availability and risk asses..:

Zhong, Xi ; Chen, Ziwu ; Li, Yaying...
Journal of Hazardous Materials.  400 (2020)  - p. 123289 , 2020

Variation of the Bacterial Community in the Rhizoplane Iron..:

Chi, Haochun ; Yang, Lu ; Yang, Wenjing...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.  15 (2018)  12 - p. 2610 , 2018

High nutrient utilization and resorption efficiency promote..:

Zuo, Keyi ; Fan, Lili ; Guo, Ziwu...
Journal of Environmental Management.  362 (2024)  - p. 121370 , 2024