Chew, Winston
32  results:
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Use of the slit arteriotomy for end-to-side arterial anasto..:

Tan, Bien-Keem ; Wong, Chin-Ho ; Chew, Winston.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery.  62 (2009)  11 - p. 1519-1523 , 2009

Mechanical Failure of the Distal Radius Volar Locking Plate:

Foo, Tun-Lin ; Gan, Aaron WT ; Soh, Tamara.
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery.  21 (2013)  3 - p. 332-336 , 2013

Salvage of the Massively Traumatized Lower Extremity with S..:

Tham, Colin ; Tan, Bien-Keem ; Hong, Soo-Wan...
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.  113 (2004)  6 - p. 1746-1750 , 2004

Irreducible Radial Dislocation of the Proximal Interphalang..:

Sean, Ho Wei Loong ; Winston, Chew Y.C.
Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation.  19 (2015)  1 - p. 52-54 , 2015

Extending the reverse posterior interosseous artery flap us..:

Lim, Yi-Jia ; Sebastin, Sandeep Jacob ; Fong, Poh Ling.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery.  63 (2010)  1 - p. e111-e113 , 2010