Courteau, Stéphane
177  results:
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The dark balance: quantifying the inner halo response to ac..:

Arora, Nikhil ; Courteau, Stéphane ; Macciò, Andrea V...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.  529 (2024)  3 - p. 2047-2061 , 2024

The Nearly Universal Disk Galaxy Rotation Curve:

Patel, Raj ; Arora, Nikhil ; Courteau, Stéphane...
The Astrophysical Journal.  972 (2024)  1 - p. 23 , 2024

Erratum: "PROBES. I. A Compendium of Deep Rotation Curves a..:

Stone, Connor ; Courteau, Stéphane ; Arora, Nikhil..
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.  270 (2024)  2 - p. 37 , 2024

astrophot: fitting everything everywhere all at once in ast..:

Stone, Connor J ; Courteau, Stéphane ; Cuillandre, Jean-Charles...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.  525 (2023)  4 - p. 6377-6393 , 2023

MaNGA galaxy properties – II. A detailed comparison of obse..:

Arora, Nikhil ; Courteau, Stéphane ; Stone, Connor.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.  522 (2023)  1 - p. 1208-1227 , 2023

Realistic galaxy image simulation via score-based generativ..:

Smith, Michael J ; Geach, James E ; Jackson, Ryan A...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.  511 (2022)  2 - p. 1808-1818 , 2022

The diversity of spiral galaxies explained:

Frosst, Matthew ; Courteau, Stéphane ; Arora, Nikhil...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.  514 (2022)  3 - p. 3510-3531 , 2022

NIHAO-LG: the uniqueness of Local Group dwarf galaxies:

Arora, Nikhil ; Macciò, Andrea V ; Courteau, Stéphane...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.  512 (2022)  4 - p. 6134-6149 , 2022

The spectroscopy and H-band imaging of Virgo cluster galaxi..:

Ouellette, Nathalie N-Q ; Courteau, Stéphane ; Holtzman, Jon A...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.  514 (2022)  2 - p. 2356-2375 , 2022

PROBES. I. A Compendium of Deep Rotation Curves and Matched..:

Stone, Connor ; Courteau, Stéphane ; Arora, Nikhil..
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.  262 (2022)  1 - p. 33 , 2022

AutoProf – I. An automated non-parametric light profile pip..:

Stone, Connor J ; Arora, Nikhil ; Courteau, Stéphane.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.  508 (2021)  2 - p. 1870-1887 , 2021

Pix2Prof: fast extraction of sequential information from ga..:

Smith, Michael J ; Arora, Nikhil ; Stone, Connor..
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.  503 (2021)  1 - p. 96-105 , 2021

MaNGA galaxy properties – I. An extensive optical, mid-infr..:

Arora, Nikhil ; Stone, Connor ; Courteau, Stéphane.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.  505 (2021)  3 - p. 3135-3156 , 2021

Abundance matching tested on small scales with galaxy dynam..:

Macciò, Andrea V ; Courteau, Stéphane ; Ouellette, Nathalie N-Q.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters.  496 (2020)  1 - p. L101-L105 , 2020

Creating a galaxy lacking dark matter in a dark matter-domi..:

Macciò, Andrea V ; Prats, Daniel Huterer ; Dixon, Keri L...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.  501 (2020)  1 - p. 693-700 , 2020