Douxchamps, Sabine
160  results:
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A Transcriptomic Analysis of Stylo [Stylosanthes guianensis..:

Liu, Yiming ; Kong, Danyu ; Yang, Hubiao...
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.  6 (2022)  - p. , 2022

Comparison of forage production and nutritive value of 10 G..:

Yan, Linling ; Dong, Rongshu ; Wang, Wenqiang...
Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales.  9 (2021)  1 - p. 81-88 , 2021

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Piggery and Biogas Digesters ..:

Douxchamps, Sabine ; Arevalo, Ashly ; Nguyen, Kien Tri...
Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences.  3 (2020)  4 - p. 843-853 , 2020

Drivers of household food availability in sub-Saharan Afric..:

Frelat, Romain ; Lopez-Ridaura, Santiago ; Giller, Ken E....
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.  113 (2016)  2 - p. 458-463 , 2016

Drivers of household food availability in sub-Saharan Afric..:

Frelat, Romain ; Lopez-Ridaura, Santiago ; Giller, Ken E....
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  113 (2015)  2 - p. 458-463 , 2015