Fallon, Julia
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List of contributors:

, In: Retinal and Choroidal Vascular Diseases of the Eye,
Mirshahi, Reza ; Fallon, Julia ; Acar, Burak... - p. xv-xix , 2024

Upcoming invasive and noninvasive imaging modalities:

, In: Retinal and Choroidal Vascular Diseases of the Eye,
Fallon, Julia ; Ahsanuddin, Sofia ; Raval, Nilesh.. - p. 141-161 , 2024

Posterior vitreous cortex hyalocytes visualization in asymm..:

Fallon, Julia ; Ahsanuddin, Sofia ; Otero-Marquez, Oscar...
American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports.  30 (2023)  - p. 101846 , 2023

The impact of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on diagnosis ..:

Fallon, Julia ; Narayan, Swati ; Lin, Jun..
Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection.  12 (2022)  1 - p. , 2022

The Factors Affecting Supplier Relationship Management in t..:

Fallon, Julia ; Nkwabi, Jesca Mhoja
American International Journal of Business and Management Studies.  2 (2020)  1 - p. 25-34 , 2020

Lacrimal sac adenocarcinoma managed with androgen deprivati..:

Abramson, David H. ; Fallon, Julia ; Biran, Noa...
American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports.  19 (2020)  - p. 100607 , 2020

Your Guess is as Good as Mine:

Fallon, Julia ; Symonds, Paul ; Lo Iacono, Valeria
Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding.  3 (2019)  2 - p. 12-20 , 2019

What really happens in Kavos:

Williams-Burnett, Nicola Jayne ; Fallon, Julia
Journal of Place Management and Development.  10 (2017)  2 - p. 183-195 , 2017

Heritage, memory and identity, edited by Helmut Anheier and..:

Fallon, Julia
Journal of Heritage Tourism.  7 (2012)  3 - p. 273-274 , 2012